FI | Minulta on ostettavissa myös postikortteja, joita olen teettänyt teoksistani. Sivulla mainitut hinnat voimassa minulta suoraan ostettaessa.
EN | I’ve printed postcards of several of my artworks. The prices on this page are valid you buy directly from me.
Korttien ostaminen minulta / Buy cards from me
Postikorttien lähetys 5,00 € kotimaan osoitteisiin – tilaat sitten yhden kortin tai enemmän. Yli 30 kortin tilauksiin ilmainen postitus kotimaan osoitteisiin. Jos haluat lähettää ulkomaille, tiedustele hintaa.
Postage for one card or more is 5,00 € to addresses in Finland. Free shipping to addresses in Finland to orders of over 30 cards. If you wish to order postcards to abroad, please inquire for the shipping cost.
Postikortit / Post Cards
Most of my postcards are made in A6 size with address lines printed on the back side (but not necessarily information of the artwork). The image side is glossy. The image is often a cropped version of the original. For example the original square artworks of People on Their Islands series is cropped to a shape seen on the right.
1 kpl/pc = 2,00 €
6 kpl/pcs = 10,00 €
Taidekortit / Art Cards
I’ve also printed 15x15cm size art cards. On the back there is a title of the artwork and other information, but not address lines. These cards are printed from the series The Tear Artisans, Episodes in Mist ja On the Shore.
1 kpl/pc = 2,00 €
6 kpl/pcs = 10,00 €
Korttipaketit / Card Bundles
the Tear Artisans series card bundle includes art cards of all nine prints of the series. The difference between the cards sold separately and the cards in bundle is, that the ones in bundle are printed in one side only: there is no any information on the back side, but it is fully white. Size 15x15cm. Packed in cellophane.
9 taidekortin paketti / 9 art card bundle = 10,00 €
tällä hetkellä loppu / currently out of stock
Ancienne noblesse card bundle includes postcards of all eleven prints of the series. They are the same cards that are sold separately. Size A6, glossy print on the front side, address lines and art information on the backside. Packed in cellophane.
14 kpl/pcs = 24,00 €
Muut kortit
There is a limited edition (ed. 20 postcards) post card series of Absent series. The postcards are numbered and packed individually into cellophane bags. There are only a few postcards left.
1 kpl/pc = 5,00 €
RED postcard includes the word red in several languages. On the backside of each card there is a QR code where you can take a peak to ‘language map’, to see in which language each red word is written. Size A5. Front side coated with glossy UV lacquer and the back side matte.
1 kpl/pc = 1,50 €
5 kpl/pcs = 5,00 €
Lahjapakkaus sisältää viisi erilaista korttia, kirjekuoren, A5-kokoisen kuultopaperin kirjepaperiksi ja yhden mummonneliö-tarran kirjeensulkijaksi.
Granny’s Legacy memory game cards can be used as normal postcards, but if you leave the backside empty and send the card in an envelope instead, the lucky one can cut herself or himself a memory game! One card gives you a three pair mini memory game, but five cards give you a fifteen pair memory game – quite challenging actually. Size: A5. Printed one side only. Front side coated with glossy UV lacquer, back side matte.
Gift set includes five different cards, one envelope, A5-sized transparent paper for writing a note or a letter, and one granny’s square envelope sticker.
1 kpl/pc = 1,50 €
5 kpl/pcs = 5,00 €
Lahjapaketti / Gift set = 8,00 €
2x Lahjapaketti / Gift set = 12,00 €
3x Lahjapaketti / Gift set = 16,00 €
All the cards introduced above are printed at printing houses. At time to time I also sell unique handmade cards, their prices are from five to fifteen euros. (I often introduce them on my Facebook and Instagram posts.)
Yllätä itsesi! / Surprise yourself!
If you wish to buy my cards, but ordering without shopping card webshop feels too difficult, feel free to surprise yourself! If you send me a message and tell me how many cards you’d wish to receive, I can pick random postcard selection. You may also tell me if you have a certain mood or purpose in mind, and I use more thought in picking the cards. You may order one or even hundred cards this way, the price is the same with other card orders (one for two euros, six for ten euros + postage). If you wish to order these, please email me paivi.hintsanen(a) with subject line SURPRISE CARD ORDER and tell me how many cards you would like to order.
Yllätä ystäväsi! / Surprise your friend!
Order a postcard for your friend. I’ll send her/him a card which reads ‘Your friend YOUR NAME wanted to send You art greetings” (or any other text you wish to have). If you wish to order these, please email me paivi.hintsanen(a) with subject line SURPRISE MY FRIEND with your friends name and address and if you have wishes of what I should write in the postcard. (Choose from A6 size postcard, 15x15cm art card or RED A5 card.)
1 kpl/pc = 5,00 €
Hinta sisältää kortin, kirjoituksen ja postituksen Suomeen. (Tiedustele hintaa ulkomaille.)
The price includes postcard, writing and postage in Finland. (Please inquire for price for greetings to abroad.)
Jälleenmyyjät / Resellers
- Jyväskylän taidemuseon museokauppa / Jyväskylä Art Museum shop
- Jyväskylän taiteilijaseuran taidelainaamo / Galleria Becker
- Popper, Jyväskylä
- Höyry-galleria, Korpilahti, Jyväskylä
- Taide- ja kehys Pekkala, Oulu
- Munkkiniemen taide ja kehys, Helsinki
- Teeletti, Lahti
Jos haluat korttejani jälleenmyyntiin, laita sähköpostia paivi.hintsanen(a) – eiköhän se onnistu. 🙂
If you wish to have my postcards on your store, please send email to paivi.hintsanen(a) – lets make it happen. 🙂